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Division of Risk Management
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Certificate of Coverage

A Certificate of Insurance is a document issued by the Division of Risk Management verifying that an entity is insured. Entities should verify that their vendors and contractors have the necessary coverage to meet any legal and regulatory requirements and for your agency to avoid extraneous mitigation expenses like litigation stemming from claims. Certificates of Coverage are not needed between entities that are covered by Risk Management.

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Report a Claim

As much as we try to avoid claims, they still happen. But don’t worry, the claims staff is here to help. Just click on the link below.

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Risk Management offers training for our insured entities to develop skills and knowledge specific to managing risk. Our website contains links to the Utah Learning Portal for all online training for State Employes. Our website also contains Risk Coordinator training and other helpful resources.

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FAQs & Forms

Please visit our FAQs and Forms page for answers to frequently asked questions and helpful forms.

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